Cooking Classes in Florence, Venice or Rome

(33 Reviews)
100% Recommended

JoAnn Beuch

Jordan, MN
Exploring Europe

There are innumerable reasons why people want to visit Europe.  Some people want to visit the country where their relatives originated – maybe even reconnect with family still living there.  Others are interested in history, and all European count...

If you love Italian food (who doesn’t?) and would like to learn more about preparing authentic Italian dishes, these cooking classes in various Italian cities are right down your alley!  This is an especially enjoyable experience if you plan to share it with family or friends.

Your teacher will be a professional chef, one who likes to use local fresh ingredients and produce and who is eager to share the history of the area where he or she lives and the dishes that are favorites of the region.  The lesson takes place in the home of the chef, where you can experience the warmth of Italian hospitality and conviviality. 

These cooking classes range from 4 hours to 6 hours in duration.  You meet at a local city market where your host  will help you shop for the ingredients of the dishes you will be preparing.  Once the shopping is complete, you’ll move on to the chef’s modern kitchen.  All tools of the trade will be provided for you as you follow along, watching closely as the chef demonstrates each step in the cooking process.  Imagine making your own pasta, spicy sauce, and authentic side dish exactly the same way professionals do!

Then the good part – you get to sit down at the table, have a glass or two of local wine and enjoy your creation with great company and wonderful conversation.

Italy isn’t the only country that hosts these classes with local professionals – you can find similar classes all over the world.  Give me a call if you’d like to learn to make paella in Barcelona, Moussaka in Greece, or birria in Puerto Vallarta.

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