Sailing Europe by River

(33 Reviews)
100% Recommended

JoAnn Beuch

Jordan, MN
Exploring Europe

There are innumerable reasons why people want to visit Europe.  Some people want to visit the country where their relatives originated – maybe even reconnect with family still living there.  Others are interested in history, and all European count...

River Cruising gives you the opportunity to see Europe in a different way. Aboard a luxury ship with the ultimate amenities.

One thing that differentiates river cruising are the ports. The ports are usually small quaint towns, not saturated with tourists. The ships are smaller than ocean ships so they have the ability to sail in more shallow waters. 

The ships are a much smaller capacity and an intimate setting. You will likely make friends with your neighbors. The accommodations are very luxurious. The scenery is uncanny while traveling on ship. You'll see a beautiful scene wherever you turn.

In many cases your excursions are included. There are local guides on board the ship that will guide you through the ports of call. These aren't your standard excursions ... you could cook with a local chef, taste wine at local vineyards or bike along the river bend.

The cuisine on board is exquisite. They serve local cuisine on the ship so you are eating delicacies from the town you just explored. It's truly an immersive experience.

I'd be happy to assist with planning your river cruise.


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