Experience Mexican Culture & Heritage

(33 Reviews)
100% Recommended

JoAnn Beuch

Jordan, MN
Exploring Europe

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A beach vacation in Mexico is a relaxing and rejuvenating experience for most tourists, but a vacation in Mexico can be so much more than fun in the sun.  The fascinating histories of the Mayan and Toltec peoples come alive as you visit ancient ruins and museums that explore these centuries-old civilizations.

The Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located close to Tulum.  It is dedicated to the protection of hundreds of species of animals and plants that are native to the area and are becoming endangered.  The Mayan people lived in this area for more than 1,200 years, and many ruins that give us insight into their way of life are also protected here.  Eco-friendly tours in the preserve itself and on the adjacent coastline are a great way to learn about these ancient people and efforts to preserve wildlife and plant life in Mexico.

Another interesting wildlife sanctuary is found in Michoacan where every year (November through March) nature lovers come to witness the amazing migration of Monarch butterflies.  These beautiful creatures travel up to 2,500 miles to their winter home here, although climate change and other factors are impacting their chance for survival.  The reserve here is committed to efforts to restore habitat for the Monarchs.

Another worthwhile day trip is a visit to Chichen Itza to marvel at its massive pyramid and other ruins of the Mayan and Totec cultures. Many official tours of the area are available from Cancun or Merida.

The Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan is close to Mexico City.  Its ruins can be seen from canals that traverse the area.  Your tour boat – a trajinera – takes you past beautiful floating gardens as you enjoy a fiesta on board with live music and authentic Mexican food and drink

And speaking of fiestas, you’re going to want to forget about tacos and fajitas and treat yourself to some authentic Mexican favorites.  Try a breakfast tamale (shredded meat and cheese served on a tostada) or corn either on the cob or in a dish covered in mayo, cheese, and chili powder.  Mole is a popular national dish with a distinctive flavor consisting of many ingredients.  Don’t forget dessert!  Shaved ice with spicy fruit or crunchy churros with cream are sure to please.

See (and taste) a different Mexico the next time you visit.  I love to help people expand their horizons and go beyond the usual tourist experience. 

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