Traveling to the Big Island Hawaii

(33 Reviews)
100% Recommended

JoAnn Beuch

Jordan, MN
Exploring Europe

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When is the best time to go to the Big Island? 

It’s fairly easy to plan a vacation to the Hawaiian islands because it really doesn’t matter very much when you go -- the temperature rarely climbs above the 80’s or dips below the 70’s.  Hurricanes are rare although heavy rainfall can pop up from time to time, especially on the Hilo side of the island which is more tropical than the Kona area.

I suggest traveling during “off-peak” tourist season, because attractions will be less crowded and as a result hotels and condos offer reduced rates.   August and February are typically considered “off-peak.” 

Volcanoes National Park is located on the Big Island, and is definitely a “must see” for tourists.  Kilauea is the most active volcano in the Hawaiian chain of islands and a steady flow of lava has transformed the landscape into a dark wasteland of undulating waves of hardened lava.  It’s especially spectacular when viewed at night as the bright molten lava slides into the sea with hissing sparks and clouds of steam -- the Goddess Pele demonstrating her awesome powers!  Besides seeing the volcano itself, you can hike the numerous trails in the park, visit the lava tubes, and study the petroglyphs.  Before venturing out on the volcano, it’s a good idea to check on current volcano activity on the USGS website.

I’d love to share more information about the island of Hawaii with you -- let’s get started on trip planning.

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