Staying Healthy While Traveling

(410 Reviews)
99% Recommended

Pam MacIntyre

Maple Grove, MN
Australia & New Zealand Specialist

New Zealand

In all my years as a Travel Professional, I’ve asked countless people, “What’s on your must-see list?” And without fail, New Zealand is always at the top! Honestly, who wouldn’t want to experience this majestic ...

"To Travel Is To Take A Journey Into Yourself"

Many of us have our own tips, tricks & rituals before & during travel.  

Here are a few of my personal recommendations: 


This area I'm STILL working on getting better on. With 20 years of extensive traveling, and I'm an absolutely terrible packer. I'm generally the person that gets like 2 hours of sleep before taking off and then crash on the plane. The older I get the more I'm realizing the importance of enough sleep before traveling for both my health and having a more enjoyable start to my trip. You can always consider taking a motion sickness tablet such as Dramamine. This will make most people sleepy to help get that important rest. Before taking any over-the-counter medications it's recommended to speak with your doctor. If you cannot sleep on a flight, it’s important to at least rest your eyes. 

Healthy Snacks:

Some travelers opt to bring their favorite snacks vs. the airplane options. Airplane snacks have more salt & sugar in them. This is because you can't taste sweetness or saltiness nearly as well on an airplane due to altitude and pressure, as well as a lack of humidity. 

My personal snack choices:

  • BelVita Breakfast Biscuits (Several flavors, so delish!) 

  • Trail Mixes from Trader Joes

  • Nuts

  • Crackers

  • Candy

  • Fruits

  • Protein Bars (Kirkland Brand from Costco, comparable to a Quest Bar and a lot less expensive)

It's important to note: When arriving into an International Destination, you are unable to bring any organics into the country. Items such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, meats, etc. If you do, you'll risk either being fined and/or jail time. Just plan accordingly for what you'll eat on the flight. Other food items, such as crackers, candy, chips, etc. would all be alright bringing into the country. When in doubt, throw it out or enjoy it before landing!  

Zinc Tablets & Lozenges:

Zinc is known to help boost your immune system. I can't tell you the number of common colds I've avoided by popping zinc lozenges on the doorstep of an illness.  Prior to traveling—we increase our zinc intake about a week before, just to give us that extra immunity boost. Since starting this, I've personally never been sick in destination. *Knock on wood*  Zinc tablets take longer to absorb, so for the instant zinc boost we opt for the Zinc Lozenges.  We personally purchase the Ultra Zinc Lozenges at GNC (green box), however I'm sure there are other ones that work just the same.

Walking Around/Compression Socks:

I've been on flights where people have not moved for 5 to 14+ hours. It's so important to get up, even if you do not have to use the restroom to keep your circulation moving. I have a client who now will ONLY travel in business class due to a blood clot forming from his long flight. He admitted he was one though that rarely got up from his seat. So as long as you're mindful of moving around, even taking a cruise up & down the aisles or standing in place that'll be sufficient. I also strongly recommend you get a pair of good compression socks. You want to keep them on for 2-hours after landing for best results typically.

If you're at an increased risk for blood clots, you may wish to speak with your doctor regarding your long flight for recommendations to keeping you healthy & safe. 

Surfaces & Seat Pockets:

Tray tables are well known to be quite unsanitary. I always travel with antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer. Be mindful when using them. Example: If I drop a piece of food on that tray, for me the "5 second rule" never applies. 

I also personally avoid the seat pockets like the plague now. I once left my iPad in the seat pocket, and was LUCKY to get it back! I travel with a bag specifically to store all my snacks, book, glasses, electronics, etc.  This is much cleaner, as those seat pockets are rarely cleaned. It also greatly reduces the chances of leaving a valuable item left on the plane.  I was told by the airlines, me getting my iPad back was highly unlikely ... so again, I got very lucky.  Once you start planning accordingly when flying, you'll be happy you do.   

Insider Tip: On longer flights to places such as Asia, Australia, New Zealand, etc. during the flight be sure to get up and walk around to check out the snacks they put out for passengers during flight. They do this to allow people to continue to sleep more soundly, yet it also encourages you to get up and walk during flights to keep the circulation moving. Check back more than once, as they seem to change them up too. 

Now that you're all set with some tips 'n tricks, adventure awaits and I'm here to help you get there! 

My Travel Albums

The Magic of Mazatlán
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